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Eleventy Nested Pagination

Eleventy (the cool static site generator) has a great feature called Pagination which allows you to iterate over a list of things in chunks and produce multiple output files. As I was migrating this very site over to Eleventy, I found I needed to perform a double pagination. This is when, during paginating over a list of blog post years, I found I wanted to also paginate again over the posts in those years, so I could have at most 20 posts on a single list page.

Sending Email from Cloudflare Pages Functions

In my last post, I mentioned I rebuilt this website using Eleventy. As part of the rebuild I also wanted to modernize my hosting, which previously was a basic cPanel hosting plan with a local Australian hosting provider. My website is statically generated, so the cPanel hosted was fine. Although, I did have one piece of functionality that required server-side logic, and that is the comment...

Eleventy Migration

Back in 2018 I migrated my blog from WordPress to Hexo. Hexo is a static site generator running on Node.js. At the time I chose Hexo because it allowed me complete control over the structure of the resulting website, plus I could override and tweak the markup of the resulting pages. Hexo is a fairly fully-featured static site generator. It has a lot of functionality built into it to cover a lot of...

Experience Edge Schema for Content Hub ONE Tenants

The GraphQL schema used by Content Hub ONE is the same as that used by Content Hub. But there are a few differences between the two systems and the resultant GraphQL schema used by the Experience Edge tenants for these systems. In this post I'm going to explore the key differences you'll find when working with an Experience Edge tenant for each of these systems.

Experience Edge Schema for Content Hub Tenants

Experience Edge hosts tenants for a number of different Sitecore systems including XM, XM Cloud, Content Hub and Content Hub ONE. However, the data models of the Content Hub based systems is different to that of the XM based systems, so each requires a different GraphQL schema to access the content which has been published to Experience Edge. In this post I'm going to explore the GraphQL schema which is generated for a Content Hub tenant.

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